Next-Generation Supply Chain: Adding resiliency to your agile operations post Covid-19
Alors que les défis immédiats pour faire face à la crise COVID-19 commencent à s'estomper, les décideurs Supply Chain seront bientôt confrontés à une "nouvelle normalité". Les effets à long terme de cette pandémie vont sans doute amener tous les secteurs à réexaminer et à faire évoluer la conception des chaînes d'approvisionnement de la prochaine génération. Pour faire face aux conséquences et à la reprise, le besoin de résilience et de transparence de la future chaîne d'approvisionnement sera tout aussi important que l'agilité.

Samy has worked for 22 years in the retail industry & supply chain sectors. After starting at Leclerc, he joined Carrefour where he held various roles and responsibilities, leading the Transportation Department for food and non-food replenishment and strategic projects, notably around supply chain visibility and supply chain transformation. He joined the Casino group within its subsidiary Monoprix where he headed the organization and logistics method department. Samy has two children and is a passionate CrossFit enthusiast.

For more than 30 years, Michel Fender has shared his knowledge and practice to support people and companies in the development of Supply Chain Management and Logistics. As well as writing several books, Michel has been involved in advising and training for many companies in multiple sectors including FMCG, retail and distribution (B2B and B2C), third party logistics, pharmaceutical and healthcare products, publishing, aeronautics, building materials, chemical, oil & gas, automotive, recycling, national agencies and investment banking.