
Trends in transportation 2024

February 21, 2024

EY adameo, Alpega, and Shippeo invite you to explore the pivotal trends that will reshape the industry. From the ascent of sustainable logistics and electric vehicles to the emergence of intelligent infrastructure and Generative AI, the exploration delves into the innovations redefining the movement of people and goods.

Dive into these transformative trends with our speakers Rafaële Gevrey, Partner, Supply Chain, at EY Adameo, Strategic Alliances Managers Deborah Korb from Alpega and Chistopher Mazza from Shippeo.

Together, they will navigate you through the game-changing forces shaping the transportation landscape:

  • Sustainability Strategies → Delve into strategies shaping sustainable transportation and how they align with global environmental initiatives
  • Building Antifragile Supply Chains with Visibility → Understanding the critical role of real-time visibility and why resilience isn’t enough in mitigating disruptions
  • AI in Transportation → Unlock new levels of logistics efficiency and decision-making

Empower your transportation strategy with the knowledge you need to thrive in 2024. Register now and discover the trends, technologies, and developments that will reshape the industry – actionable insights to fuel your success.

Your key learnings from this webinar will include:

  • Strategic Insight: Obtain first-hand access to expert perspectives, enabling you to enhance your transportation strategy in 2024
  • Tech Trends → Discover cutting-edge technologies shaping the industry and how to leverage them for operational excellence
  • Resilience in Action → Learn practical approaches to build antifragile supply chains with real-time visibility, ensuring your business remains robust in the face of disruptions

Date: Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Time: 16:00 hrs (CET)

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Christopher Mazza
Senior Vice President of International Growth

Leading Shippeo’s expansion into new markets, Christopher Mazza, Shippeo’s Senior Vice President of International Growth has extensive experience in the transportation and logistics industry, having participated in the creation of ClearMetal where he played an integral role in business development before joining project44 following the company's acquisition.

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Deborah Korb
Strategic Alliances Manager

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Rafaële Gevrey
Partner - Supply Chain
EY adameo

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